Dear Apple: Portraits

Keynote film for the launch of Apple WATCH 6. Every year people send letters to Apple sharing their incredible stories with Apple WATCH. Often life-changing, sometimes life-saving. These are their stories in their own words.

Chevy Apocalypse

It's the SuperBowl. Go big.

In addition to spawning some pretty wild religious conspiracy theories, this spot got a nice shout-out from David Mamet.


A TV spot is generally not the place to talk about product features for tech products. So we hired an Oscar-winning actor to not do that. Strategically, we knew that anyone who wasn’t an automatic iPhone buyer did their research. Acknowledging this behavior and actually driving people towards it became the centerpiece of the communication.


This campaign evolved over an NBA season shortened by the player lockout. Quickly repurposing a typography technique I made in iMovie for another pitch, we were able to create timely messages as storylines developed throughout the season leading up to the Finals in June.
18 spots in all.


When we pitched Comcast, we knew it wasn’t going to be all brand work. In fact, by the end of the first year, there was very little of that. So from day one, we needed to find a way to ensure that the brand voice made it all the way down the line to the hard-hitting product messages and offer-driven advertising that was ultimately the meat and bones of the account. The results of that thinking made every creative in the building want to work on the retail and led to some memorable, if occasionally silly work.

We created over 100 spots a year for Comcast ranging in tone from smart and informative to completely asinine. One of the main goals of the work in the first year or so was to increase likability. By communicating in a playful way, we were able to do that very effectively.

Complicated products need simple solutions. In this campaign, each spot featured the same actors using the same setup leading to wildly different outcomes. The offer is front and center and the silliness serves only to make the medicine go down.

Hey, nobody said it had to be smart. Of the 50+ spots I made for Comcast, this was one of the dumbest. And quite probably for that reason, it had a long life on YouTube. As a case study, I will tell you that it wasn’t popular internally, but it is a testament to a strong agency/client relationship that we all took chances together and were willing to fail occasionally.

Apple: iPad Air

Launch spot for iPad Air2.


This stuff is for kids. The problem is, kids can’t open it. Until now.

Pre-roll jokes are so 2019.

Tsing Tao

The client brief was “be provocative.”

Creative Director: Nick Spahr | Writer: Jon Wolanske | Art Director: Meaghan Oikawa

New Belgium Brewing

Erich & Kallman asked us to help them name a new beer from New Belgium Brewing, their first Hemp Pale Ale. Thus began the reign of The Hemperor.

Writer: Alex Flint | Designer: Jon Olsen from Studio Olsen.

Astral Tequila

Well, he did say he doesn't always drink beer. This campaign came to be when the most interesting man in the world became part owner of a Tequila brand in real life.


Oz is a disturbingly graphic HBO Original Series about life in prison. It will make you think twice about even the pettiest of crimes.